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A total of 1,143 minor in possessions (MIP) were issued in 2009.
8 out of 10 MIPs were issued by the Kent County Sheriff Department or the Grand Rapids Police Department.
8 out of 10 MIPs were issued to Caucasians, while 9% were issued to African Americans.
7 out of 10 MIPs in 2009 were issued to males.
The months of May and June were the months with highest MIP activity. This is likely due to the fact that high school proms and graduations take place during these months.
42% of MIP offenses in 2009 were issued to residents of Grand Rapids. (37% of the Kent County population aged 15-20 resides in Grand Rapids).
The rural Kent County cities of Lowell, Rockford, and Cedar Springs had the greatest rate (per 1,000 population) of MIPs issued in 2009. It is possible for individuals to receive multiple MIPs over the course of the year and these repeat offenders have an impact on the overall rate.
Race/ethnicity was unknown for nearly 5% of MIPs issued in 2009. (Some police jurisdictions do not distinctly identify Hispanic individuals charged with an offense, county-wide data for Hispanic individuals receiving an MIP is underrepresented).