Risk/Protective Factors

These data from the 2017-2018 Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth indicate the percentage of students indicating that it is “sort of easy” or “very easy” to get alcohol/marijuana.

Availability of Alcohol / Marijuana

High School

By Gender

These results indicate that just over half of high school respondents indicated that it was easy to obtain alcohol while less than half indicated that it was easy to obtain marijuana.  Males were more likely than females to indicate that it was easy to obtain marijuana, while females were more likely than males to indicate that it was easy to obtain alcohol.

High School

By Race/Ethnicity

Hispanic/Latino students were more likely to indicate that it was easy to obtain alcohol than the other race/ethnic groups.

American Indian students were more likely to indicate the it was easy to obtain marijuana than the other race/ethnic groups. The sample size for American Indian students was relatively small, however, so it is difficult to confidently compare their results to students of other races/ethnicities.

Middle School

By Gender

These results suggest that female and male middle school students are equally likely to indicate that it is easy to obtain alcohol. Male students are slightly more likely to indicate that it is easy to obtain marijuana, however.

Middle School

By Race/Ethnicity

These results suggest that American Indian students are more likely to indicate that it is easy to obtain alcohol than students of other races/ethnicities. The sample size for American Indian students was relatively small, however, so it is difficult to confidently compare this result to the other race/ethnic groups.

African American, Hispanic/Latino, and American Indian students are all more likely to indicate that it is easy to obtain marijuana, compared to students of other races/ethnicities.
